Oh wow, front page! Thanks everyone! And Daily Feature? HELL YEAH YOU GUYS ROCK.
I think the best part of this movie is that I did the coding for the game portion while drunk. Not too drunk, mind you, just a lil' tipsy. And if you check it out in flash, It shows. It's some goddamn sloppy coding. But it plays nice, amiright?
Also, a few hours after I submitted this, I got a message from a guy I sorta know. Apparently he made a comic a few years back that's pretty much the exact same thing as this, except mine involves masturbation and revenge. He didn't seem to mind, but I am going to pimp his online comic anyway, because it is funny and I feel bad.
(That first one links to the comic in question, and it's on a FURRY PORN WEBSITE [shock, horror!]. You've been warned.)
Thanks again, NG! And a special thanks to Deadclever32, who retaught me trig when I was too tipsy and tired to figure it out. And here's an avatar for anyone that wants it.
Just saw it. And I'm instantly in love with your work :D! Don't stop updating stuff like that xD. You got my fav~
btw, I'm in NY too :/...